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LDSC is committed to continuous improvement to ensure the health and well being of our members, volunteers and staff. We need to be aware of any and all incidents that occur in order to take appropriate action to prevent similar negative situations in the future and continuously improve our club.

If you experience or witness any of the following kinds of situations on club grounds or while sailing on the Ottawa River, please report it officially to the club.

  1. Emergency: 911 should be called.  Examples of emergencies:
    • Serious Injury
    • Fire
    • Watercraft in distress
    • Vandalism or break-in in progress
    • Physical violence
  2. General incident: Not an emergency but any kind of event the club leadership should be notified
    • Event that caused injury or damage
    • Close call  that could have resulted in damage or injury
    • Non-physical interpersonal incident
    • Unsafe use of the club
  3. Safety concern: Anything amiss at the club that could impact users safety
    • Hazard that could cause harm
    • Faulty equipment
    • Deficiency in safety equipment (ex missing first aid kit, or low supplies)

Email completed reports to the safety officer and their backup via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For matters requiring urgent attention, please telephone the Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Past-Commodore, Safety Officer, or any member of the board.  Their numbers are posted on the Emergency Action Information document posted beside the telephone inside the clubhouse.

Incident Reporting Procedure

Please see the LDSC Incident Reporting Procedure.

Incident Report Forms

Use the Incident Report Form for all kinds of incidents or safety concerns.

For more information about reporting incidents, please contact the club safety officer and their backup by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..